
pyRVEA.Population.Population module

class pyRVEA.Population.Population.Population(problem: baseProblem, assign_type: str = 'RandomAssign', plotting: bool = True, *args)

Bases: object

Define the population.

add(new_pop: numpy.ndarray)

Evaluate and add individuals to the population. Update ideal and nadir point.


new_pop (np.ndarray) – Decision variable values for new population.

append_individual(ind: numpy.ndarray)

Evaluate and add individual to the population.


ind (np.ndarray) –

create_new_individuals(design: str = 'LHSDesign', pop_size: int = None, decision_variables=None)

Create, evaluate and add new individuals to the population. Initiate Plots.

The individuals can be created randomly, by LHS design, or can be passed by the user.

  • design (str, optional) – Describe the method of creation of new individuals. “RandomDesign” creates individuals randomly. “LHSDesign” creates individuals using Latin hypercube sampling.

  • pop_size (int, optional) – Number of individuals in the population. If none, some default population size based on number of objectives is chosen.

  • decision_variables (numpy array or list, optional) – Pass decision variables to be added to the population.


Calculate fitness based on objective values. Fitness = obj if minimized.

evaluate_individual(ind: numpy.ndarray)

Evaluate individual.

Returns objective values, constraint violation, and fitness.


ind (np.ndarray) –

evolve(EA: BaseEA = None, EA_parameters: dict = None) → Population

Evolve the population with interruptions.

Evolves the population based on the EA sent by the user.

  • EA ("BaseEA") – Should be a derivative of BaseEA (Default value = None)

  • EA_parameters (dict) – Contains the parameters needed by EA (Default value = None)


Calculate hypervolume. Uses package pygmo. Add checks to prevent errors.



keep(indices: list)

Remove individuals from population which are not in “indices”.


indices (list) – Indices of individuals to keep


Conduct crossover and mutation over the population.

Conduct simulated binary crossover and bounded polunomial mutation.


Fix this. check if nd2 and nds mean the same thing


Initialize animation objects. Return figure

plot_objectives(iteration: int)

Plot the objective values of individuals in notebook. This is a hack.


iteration (int) – Iteration count.

update_ideal_and_nadir(new_objective_vals: list = None)

Updates self.ideal and self.nadir in the fitness space.

Uses the entire population if new_objective_vals is none.


new_objective_vals (list, optional) – Objective values for a newly added individual (the default is None, which calculated the ideal and nadir for the entire population.)